Thursday, September 6, 2018

I thought you might like some early-morning, late-summer photographs of the Alcott House gardens. The trellis marks where the cucumber once was. Along the path is a row of recently cut chard and another of overflowing cosmos.

This is a view from the front sidewalk: chrysanthemums backed with rapini, marigolds, and an artichoke.

Another sidewalk view, this time including the eggplant and some lavender.

A lamppost, covered with scarlet runner vines nearing harvest. On the ground are three tight rows of fall vegetables: chard, leeks, kale.

The view from my kitchen window. Note the drying peppers and the barren yard. Someday it will look like more than dirt and weeds.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Wow! much of my 2+ acres is still rather barren. At least the part that isn't woods and thicket!!!