Sunday, January 21, 2018

Tom trucked another load of stuff back from storage, so now our house is littered with stacks of LPs and more and more and more boxes of books. I think, however, that we've finally reached the end of the kitchen stuff: I unpacked what I hope is the last box of glassware; I really don't know where I could fit anything else.

So today will be a deal-with-boxes day. Tom has unearthed a single empty bookshelf, and I can begin, I guess, to unload a few books onto it. I still can't decide whether we should call the room we eat in a library or a dining room. For now it's "room full of unorganized fiction, plus some thousand-pound boxes of 78s, plus an island for meals."

This week the temperatures are forecast to rise into the 40s. I know it's only January and we have much wintry weather ahead of us. But I'm beginning to feel the restlessness of spring. I bought a bunch of purple hyacinths yesterday, as a salve. I really should start to think about seed orders.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I love dining room libraries. There is a restaurant in Portsmouth IN a library. My dining room has my secretary desk and my piano; as well as, the dining room table and PLANTS!!!