Friday, November 20, 2015

Cold rain is pounding roofs, spattering windows, puddling up in dips and hollows, threading quick rivers down the glossy asphalt.

The cat lazes in a chair by the fire. The kitchen is scented with coffee and toast.

And I am thinking of the poems of Betsy Sholl, especially this one, which broke my heart when she read it aloud last night.
from Prisoner Bonhoeffer 
Executed April 9, 1945, Flossenburg Concentration Camp 
Better be wordless, he thinks, better Bach's swell
and diminuendo, cantus firmus, not quite drowned out 
as notes rise and fall, until--is this it?-- 
the rising and falling are one, God in the midst,
not on some edge beyond, but in--

[from Otherwise Unseeable (University of Wisconsin Press, 2014)]


David (n of 49) said...

"until--is this it?-- // the rising and falling are one, God in the midst, / not on some edge beyond, but in--"


Carlene said...

Reminds me of this quote (which I love, and which also awes me):
Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit. ~Jung (Bidden or not bidden, God is present.)