Saturday, November 16, 2013

November in Harmony

I haven't raked any leaves at all.

Tom's summer project: turning the garage he used as a woodshop into an actual woodshop. It's now completely insulated, walled (with boards sawed by Amish guys from big logs from trees that Tom cut down and skidded out of our woods with a baby-sized Toyota pickup), newly stocked with shelves, workbenches, a second floor, and finished with a snappy paint job.
On the left, the ex-chicken house. In the front, rose bushes that forgot to bloom this year.

Ajuga in the grass. It sports these lovely, low-lying, coppery green leaves from April through December. In the spring it shoots up purple-spiked flowers, which attract
every bumblebee in the territory.

Most of the ferns are dead, so why aren't these?

Old poodle in old clearing looks at old tree house.

Frost got the sorrel. It will be back in 2014.

On the left, dead stuff I need to cut down.
On the right, dead stuff I need to cut down, plus some rocks.
If anyone needs rocks, we have plenty to share.

Monkey swing and regular swing. More unraked leaves. Some Lenin-ized hydrangea flowers.
At back left, a compost bin and some sticks.
If anyone needs sticks, we have plenty to share.

Mulch hay mulching the teeny-tiny kale that never started to grow till Halloween.
 In 2014 I'll peek under the hay and see what's happened.

Sage plus bug bites.

Ruckus disguised as asters gone to seed.


Ang said...

I loved these photos. Something about November... Don't worry about cutting dead stuff, the snow will smash it all down. The fern is a Christmas fern, green all year.

Ang said...

Oops, its a wood fern according to Steve.
Also green all year.