Friday, August 16, 2013

Next Thursday, August 22, I'll be the featured reader at the Stonington Opera House. This is quite exciting for me as I have never been the featured reader at an opera house before. Of course the Stonington Opera House is not the Met, but the location is equivalently exciting. Imagine crashing waves and big sharp rocks and lobster boats and seagulls, plus summer people and shops, and you have Stonington in August. As a perk, the opera house people are giving me a two-night vacation in town, and Tom and I are planning a ferry excursion to Isle au Haut, which is part of Acadia National Park. This will be our first outing together all summer, and we do love the sea.

The theme of the evening will be "Home." It shouldn't be too difficult for me to dredge up a 30-minute show on this topic, but if you know my work, feel free to make suggestions. Or you could just come to Stonington for the reading.


Ruth said...


CMGadapee said...

Sounds idyllic!!