Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Last night's down-the-throat-with-a-scalpel procedure brought the boy to his lowest point yet. Despite the high-tech atmosphere of the hospital, the ordeal bore considerable resemblance to the scenes depicted on Puritan-era woodcuts of apothecaries at work. After a bad night, punctuated by morphine and misery, the doctor decided to put J under general anesthesia, remove the tonsils, and scrape the infection out of the throat walls. This, thank goodness, seems to have been the solution. J came out of surgery hungry, cheerful, and relieved. It looks as if we might manage to get discharged tomorrow, and then this blog can return to its regularly scheduled, non-medical-emergency programming.


Maureen said...

So happy a solution found at last and that J. is now on the true mend. My goodness, how scary all this must have been. Best wishes for safe journey home and speedy and pain-free recovery.

Julia Munroe Martin said...

I had to check back in... What an ordeal for him (and all of you); it's such a relief to know things are on the upswing. Thank goodness for the appetite-indicator. Here's to non-medical-emergency programming for your blog as you downgrade the mom-alert-level (a hard place to be, I know). Take care.