Friday, February 1, 2013

Incident at Jacobs Creek


Dawn Potter

Behind the vending-machine house,
down by the crick, is a dug-out lake,
nasty green and dark. “Keep Away!!”
says the sign and the lake’s roped off,

I don’t know why. Our ma swam there
when she was a kid but not us, we’re stuck
with this bleach-stink pool and big wet
boys in their cutoffs are always flicking 

Salem butts into the shallow baby end.
When by mistake I breathe in that blue
water, my nose smells like dirty socks.
I hate that. Me and my sister take turns

running into the vending-machine house
to buy melty ice creams and so we can stuff
more dimes in the jukebox. We earned them
from seven-card stud with our grandpap.

On the jukebox we like to play songs we hate
which is songs like “Afternoon Delight”
and “Silly Love Songs” and “That’s the Way
Uh-Huh Uh-Huh I Like It I Like It.”

These are the stupidest songs ever sung
on the radio but they are funny
and we laugh like monkeys
to show we’re having a great time,

then we call each other retarded.
My sister is younger than me but taller.
People think we are twins.
I hate that but she hates it worse

because she is more beautiful
our granny says. But her bathing suit
is uglier in my opinion. Mine
is almost just as ugly though.

In that nasty lake down by the crick
some ducks are paddling around.
Maybe somebody died in it a while ago
so they won’t let kids swim there

because they never found the body.
My idea is they should write a mystery
about this place but probably in real life
the true facts are way too boring to care.

[first published in The Fourth River (2012)]

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