Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Carrot Pie

Yesterday was apply-for-grants-I-won't-get day, but it was also invent-a-new-vegetarian-dish day. Several months ago Paul suddenly decided to stop eating meat, so I have had to completely reconfigure my cooking. This switch hasn't actually been all that difficult for me: I grew up with 70s-style vegetarian parents, which is to say they ate a lot of cheesy brown rice. It's been fun to look beyond that old-fashioned starchiness: I've been learning about basic Asian and North African options and have been reimagining meat-flavored dishes as vegetable-based versions.

Here's what I invented last night: quiche lorraine remade as a delicate winter pie.

Make enough pie dough to fit into a French-style tart pan with a removable bottom. Partially prebake it. (If anyone wants detailed instructions, let me know.) 
For the filling: trim and peel 2 medium-sized carrots, then grate. You should end up with about  3/4s of a cup. 
In a skillet, melt 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter over low heat. Press a big clove of garlic, and add it to the pan. As soon as the scent starts to rise, add the grated carrots. 
Cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally; salt lightly, and then add 3/4s of a cup of freshly chopped parsley. Scrape the mixture into the pie shell. 
Grate 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese over the vegetable mixture. 
Now beat 3 large eggs with 1 cup of milk. Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Pour the mixture into the pie shell, and bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes.
Unmold on a board or a flat serving plate. 
The result is both pretty and delicious, and your vegetarian son can take the leftovers to school for lunch.


Ruth said...

sounds wonderful
kale is also a treat in a quiche such as this, just use feta and a hint of nutmeg too

quinoa, chia seeds by themselves and as a thickener

I freeze my tofu so it has a texture with more "tooth" and is able to absorb more flavors

AND you will receive some of those grants {-:

Betsy Connor Bowen said...

Dawn -- I love it when creative cooks (like you) fling aside the recipe books and go for it. I want to try this but wish you would post a pic of your dishes. Good luck with the grants.

Dawn Potter said...

Betsy, I rarely think of taking photos until it's too late. I should try harder.

Lucy Barber said...

Carrot pie/quiche sounds great. I just have to get some carrots with flavor somewhere.

You know that I will love to read over your grant applications and might be able to advise. I do read them as a profession.

Dawn Potter said...

Sadly, Lucy, these are straight writing-sample grants. All I can depend on is myself and some good luck. Sigh. But thanks for the offer.