Sunday, December 9, 2012

Today's activities. More cookie baking, more wood splitting, more throwing pieces of bark for the poodle to chase, more pots of strong coffee, more jokes about the ineptitude of the poodle in finding the bark that was thrown for her, more wood splitting, more wood splitting (sigh), more trying to wake up the teenager, more cookie eating, more picking burs out of the poodle's curls after she hunts fruitlessly for the bark in a pricker patch. Etc.

But regarding the photo above, what do you think: does that rhino look cute or as if he's suffering from a skin disease?

1 comment:

Carlene Gadapee said...

Rhinos in Spotted Pajamas
An Homage to Ogden Nash

A beast of largely determinate size
Wore PJs in the latest of styles
His taste ran to the loud and extreme;
Quite spotted, and seen for several miles.
Blue satin, with red polka dots
Became the cutting edge rage
When seen, with Ms Potter, in flagrante,
on one high profiled society page.