Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snapshots from "A Poet's Sourcebook" (12)

This is my final snapshot from A Poet's Sourcebook, which will be released on January 1, 2013. All of the poets and readers featured in this section are young accomplished writers from around the world, and the final entrant was only ten years when he wrote his remarks.

from Mike Walker
Often, the very reasons we write are tied to the stressors that nearly prohibit our writing.

from Autumn McClintock
Allow me to say this: the idea that time heals wounds and allows us to get over someone's death is bullshit.

from Garth Greenwell
So many of the moments that seem most constitutive of who I have become, as important as my encounters with poems or with men I have genuinely loved, have been passed in these cramped, ill-lit, often unclean spaces.

from Rory Waterman
At least part of finding out must be in the writing, surely--or, as E. M. Forster put it, "How can I know what I think till I see what I say?"

from Mthabisi Phili
no there is no poetry these days
no meat no food--even water goes on vacation

from Ethan Richard
Poetry is like a very well read 3 year old, it uses terrific words, but uses them so strangely and it always spouts the truth you don't want other people to hear in public.

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