Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How long will I be able to keep writing this letter to you every day?

Recently I heard another writer complain that she could never keep a blog because blogs "give away writing for free"--a complaint that is understandable, I suppose, if one is used to getting paid for every word. But of course that is not my problem. My problem is more the burgeoning sense that I am a bore. Really I do nothing exciting. I feed animals and people. I read unpopular books. I garden and hang laundry. I write. Occasionally I play music. My rants are rare and mostly involve grammar. I don't pick fights. I don't have a mission of instruction. I'm not a regular book reviewer. I don't publicize prurient details about my or anyone else's private life. Mornings like today I do feel that I have nothing to offer you but tedium, and I apologize for that. Apparently the life of a poet is dull, despite all Shelleyean evidence to the contrary.


Julia Munroe Martin said...

Dear Dawn,

You are most assuredly NOT a bore! I love your blog (and in case I haven't told you before, your blog is listed on my "blogroll" -- hope that's ok). I find it--and you--refreshing and funny and inspiring. And it is unique among the writers' blogs I generally read.

I know it's each of our personal choice how often (or if) we blog, and I used to blog daily, too--I enjoy blogging immensely. I cut back because I realized not that I was giving words away for free but that I was blogging at the expense of my WIP.

Your "tedium" is hardly dull, never ever boring, and almost always quite entertaining! You may write about "nothing exciting," but never in a boring way. That said, I completely understand the questioning of how long. It is after all a personal choice, but if you stop these daily letters, this reader will miss them and be sad!

xo Julia

charlotte gordon said...

If you are boring, then so is Jane Austen. I hope you keep hanging laundry and telling us about it.

Ruth said...

I vote with the the previous two opinions! I love reading your blog. It gives me comfort that life is continuing.

Maureen said...

Count me in with the others.

Dawn Potter said...

You're all very kind, and now I feel like a jerk, as if I wrote this post intending to suck kindly comments from my readers, which I didn't; really I didn't. In truth I think these periodically hapless posts are one of the side-effects of trying to keep an everyday journal. I should start trying to imitate those stiff-lipped pioneer-woman diaries: "Strode through three tornadoes and a ditch of rattlers to boil water for Cousin Nel's confinement" or "John scalped by Sioux but Lord knows he had it coming to him."

Carlene Gadapee said...

I am perfectly content with the new adjective I have gained. Shelleyean. yay!

Julia Munroe Martin said...

haha, great response. First a bore now a jerk? It's the blogger way.... we write then we get reaction then we write again. It's such an "organic" process (ok I hate that word but it works here). And p.s. I never ever thought you were trying to suck kindly comments. I offered freely!)