Tuesday, September 27, 2011

With the boys back in school and Tom back to work, I am trying to learn how to be a writer again, which for the moment involves reschooling myself in how to gracefully manage lack of production. Considering that my essay "On Not Writing" is forthcoming in this winter's Sewanee Review, you'd think I'd have plenty to say now about the graceful management of creative struggle. But no. Every reschooling is a brand-new schooling, and I never get any better at the balance between worrying and not worrying. Merely I get better at recognizing the pattern.

In any case, among puttering over half a sentence clause (try these words; delete them; try these other words; delete them; try a different metrical opening; choke up in horror; delete it; reinsert the original words; delete them. . . . ) and writing a grant application and reading Nabokov and washing soccer socks and dragging brush into the woods and prodding the sauerkraut and frying pork chops and copying out poems and wondering if I have time to clean the barn and editing someone else's poetry collection and buying chicken grain and driving to piano lessons and organizing the eighth-grade dance and making four loaves of bread every other day (I wish I could tell you I was exaggerating about this), I find graceful management of anything difficult to imagine. I feel like I move through my days like a bumblebee moves through a garden: bump, bump, buzz, bumble, bumble, bump.

I am writing. But the process is so unprocessional.


Carlene Gadapee said...

In all the busy-ness, you are creating. You just haven't noted it in written form as yet.
And I love the bumblebee metaphor; it could be extended, as well, using the fact of the wings/weight ratio, and it shouldn't be able to fly, but it does. We all "shouldn't" be able to write, but we do it anyway. We all fly, bumbling along until we find the nectar. =)

Julia Munroe Martin said...

I can relate to this.... the changing seasons and changing schedules always force me into the same difficulty with "graceful managemnt." Nicely written.

charlotte Gordon said...

love "unprocessional"/ When can we read this essay on not writing?

Dawn Potter said...

The essay is scheduled to be out in the first 2012 issue. However, the SR is generally late, so probably closer to spring than winter.