Wednesday, July 20, 2011

So today is my actual spot-on twentieth wedding anniversary, and I will be spending the evening listening to Tom do a presentation at PechaKucha Waterville. No, I didn't know what it was either, until I read this. But what he will be doing is presenting twenty slides of recent work and then talking about each one for twenty seconds. Other people will be talking for twenty-second stints about other stuff. One, apparently, will be a kid talking about Dr. Who. So maybe you should come find out what this kid has to say.

So far this week, we have broken the toaster. The bathroom fan began shrieking, and the lawnmower briefly made a strange whimper until Tom removed the stick. In the middle of the night, hooves pounding through the yard woke us both up. A loud baby something-or-other is shouting ravenously in the trees. My guess is blue jay, but crow is also a possibility.

This is what we had for dinner last night: sauteed chicken legs with tomato-garlic reduction, jasmine rice, tiny tiny tiny tiny green peas warmed in scallion butter and sprinkled over the rice, baby mixed greens. But tonight we eat chez Waterville, which I expect means pizza.

P.S. And now one of the pipes on our hot-water heater is emitting a light mist into the basement. Hm.


Ruth said...

Happy 20th!!!

Julia Munroe Martin said...

Happy Anniversary! Love the time together fixing stuff and solving life's little mysteries....the best part of married life for us, too! (dinner sounds amazing!)

charlotte gordon said...

I love your accounts of your days. I wish I could meet Tom or come hear him present today.

Dawn Potter said...

I'm sure life in the islands is far, far better than life in central Maine. For instance, you probably have hot water. . . . XX

Maureen said...

Happy 20th Anniversary!