Monday, July 18, 2011

My cabbage plants sprawl over the garden paths like oversized boys on a couch. The sweetpeas are starting to bloom in every shade of Necco wafer (except that dusty gray-black one); a patch of deep-pink sweet Williams has appeared in the hedgerow; scarlet runners are climbing all over the sagging front deck (sagging from where the moose ran into it a few years ago); and unfortunately, Japanese beetles continue to find all other Japanese beetles irresistibly sexy.

It is high summer in Maine. Both boys are gainfully employed at camp, and Tom and I are beginning a fourteen-day twentieth-anniversary celebration of our honeymoon. Today, for instance, I will celebrate by washing only one load of laundry instead of three. I spent a few wandering hours yesterday afternoon writing about Milton . . . "wandering" in that I would compose a sentence, wander off to eat a popsicle, come back, erase the sentence, wander off to pick some sweetpeas, come back, write a paragraph, wander off to drink ice tea. . . . You get the idea. This is my favorite way to write, but it requires an empty house. Otherwise, I get self-conscious about how lazy and unconcentrated I look.

Today, however, I have to edit. I also have to mow grass again at 8 a.m. This lawn of mine has entirely too much grass.


Ruth said...

I love these images. I am thinking of their inner conversations. Just what flavor was that dusty gray-black Necco wafer...the licorice one or the "chocolate" one?

How lovely to have a 14 day anniversary albeit one with chores and obligations. Best to you both

Dawn Potter said...

I remember the gray-black wafer as licorice. But now that you mention it, I seem to recall that there was also a so-called chocolate one. Of course they all tasted like sweetened slivers of sheetrock.

Julia Munroe Martin said...

HAHA -- love the description of the fourteen day celebration! Sounds like us! We also have Japanese beetles, in the raspberry patch (yuck) and lots of peas (no sweet peas but we had a few pink and purple flowers amidst the white, weird, huh?) Sounds like a lovely day you have planned! (p.s. was there a blog or might we hear the story of the moose running into the porch!!??)

Ruth said...

Good description, sweetened sheetrock. Yes please for the story of the moose and deck.

Carlene Gadapee said...

Aside, re: Necco wafers...we had a parish priest once who loved to tell stories of his boyhood. Mostly they were hysterical, so we loved to settle in for story time (otherwise known as homily). He told the story of how, when he was oh, 8 or so, he'd give "communion" to his friends, doling out Necco wafers like consecrated hosts. I cannot for the life of me separate Necco wafers from that story now. =)