Saturday, April 9, 2011


Three male family members decide to watch a James Bond movie. The lone female family member is slightly indifferent but doesn't argue. The four gather together around the television. The male family members all promptly fall asleep, leaving the female family member awake to watch their movie.

Once upon a time, there was a dog who licked earwax, a broken bottle, a mouse dead for 6 months, elderly tire water, chicken manure, and a snowed-over hambone. Yet she not only survived; she thrived.

A household owns two paring knives but one disappears. Meanwhile, a Twister game resurfaces.

Crocus flowers. How do they do it?


Ruth said...

and why is the library book in the linen closet? and why is the cheese on the shelf in the living room? Were it not for such mysteries, one would not find/discover other nessities of life

Ruth said...

Spelling!!!!!! sorry Bogger needs a spell-check for me

Dawn Potter said...

Cheese on the living room shelf made me laugh.