Friday, July 16, 2010

Here I am after Day 1 of my last Beloit editorial meeting, and I am barely able to speak. To be honest, this is not the journal's fault but can be blamed on the fact that I stayed up till almost 2 a.m. watching a movie at the Maine International Film Festival and then driving home . . . or not driving home, because after I ended up in the wrong lane in Waterville, it became apparent to both Tom and me that I really should not be driving, despite the fact that I had merely spent 3 innocent hours watching a 1958 western starring Gregory Peck and Gene Simmons and, of all people, Burl Ives (best known as the singing background guy in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) as patriarch of the sleazy family in the water-rights feud. It was a very good movie, however, and was introduced by screenwriter Jay Cocks as one impetus for his screenplay for The Gangs of New York, which I haven't seen and don't know anything about, but I can tell you that Cocks was dressed kind of like Ray Romano in Everyone Loves Raymond, which is a show I have only ever watched by accident but seems to involve a guy in a T-shirt and an unbuttoned lightly plaided cotton shirt.

Anyway, I'm tired. And I know there are too many "which" clauses in this post. Sorry, but I'm not going to correct any of them. Pretend that I'm Allen Ginsburg who doesn't believe in revision, if that makes you feel better.

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