Thursday, June 3, 2010

1. After my grumpy school-related post a few weeks ago, Harmony's third-grade teacher invited me in to teach a poetry class. I have no idea if she read my grumpy post or if this was merely coincidence, but anyway . . . I take it back: I will be teaching in Harmony this year, for an hour and 15 minutes, and the commute is excellent.

2. Guess what?--and David, I'm talking to you, you skeptic: I did finish that essay, and I did manage to write almost 3,000 words without mentioning a single work of literature. See, there's more to life than books, you know (but not much more) . . . (and now let's find out who can name the band I've just quoted).

3. I have received numerous enthusiastic responses to yesterday's post. Everyone thinks Ruth's fifth grader is brilliant.

4. Rain here today, which is a good thing, except for the mosquitoes. I think I will make lettuce soup for dinner.

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