Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I have received my first-ever commission: the Blake Journal has asked me to write an essay that imagines how William Blake would respond to one of my own poems. As I told the editor, this is both a dream assignment and a nightmare--just as Blake would prefer it to be, no doubt.

So as of today, I am beginning a new copying project: William Blake's long poem "America." But God knows how I will get anything of the sort accomplished. I still have a pile of editing to finish, plus numerous gigs waiting in the wings, plus housework, plus I am gloomy about yet another of my idiotic money errors. It's very disheartening to be so irredeemably stupid about money, though I'm aware it's even more disheartening to be my husband.


Ruth said...

Congratulations!!! Honors you so richly deserve! I am confident that you will do a splendid job. All the other worries WILL be resolved. Remember to take care of yourself. That is no easy job with a family and a farm, but you will, just as Faulkner's Dilsey prevail not just endure.

charlotte gordon said...

Bravo!!! This is just more of what will come, my dear!
By the way, Blake Loved Mary W.