I talked to Baron Wormser yesterday, and he tells me that the Frost Place Conference on Poetry & Teaching is rapidly filling. So far 18 teachers have signed up, and our limit is 24. I'm really happy about this interest, having had my doubts, in our epoch of economic gloom, about whether or not teachers (and their school budgets) would see any value in a poetry conference. But apparently they do, and I'm excited to meet this summer's participants.
Baron and I will be tweaking last summer's approach, particularly the writing-revision component; so if you have thoughts, suggestions, or worries, don't hesitate to let me know. And if you've been thinking about attending this summer's conference, please apply soon or you may end up being wait-listed, which is far less enjoyable than not being wait-listed.
I wish I was coming again! But I have recommended it to many others, and a friend from Downstate NY will be there. He is looking forward to it. I will be at Fordham instead, sweltering in July at an AP conference. (boo!)Much rather be among the birches.
Oddly, even thought it's National Poetry Month, I haven't taught a good long poem in a while. I was saving "Prufrock", but between the research papers, expulsions, fights and drug deals, I haven't had the heart to ask anyone if they dared disturb the universe.Everyone seems disturbed enough as it is.
National Poetry Month is a gimmick, like National Asparagus Day, etc. Why should everyone eat asparagus on the same day? "Prufrock" probably tastes better off-season anyhow. I wish you were coming back to the FP too, but at least I have your friend to look forward to.
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