Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'm girding my loins for Milton book promotion, a task I find nerve-wracking and unpleasant. I like giving readings, but somehow I feel like a used-car salesman when I start nudging people about venues and reviews. Nonetheless, the nudging must happen. My town has no library, no bookstore, a population of 800, and very few readers. In fact, my entire county, which stretches from the middle of the state to the Canadian border, may have only one bookstore, and a bad one at that. I guarantee that it will not be buying a book about Paradise Lost. It's the kind of place that specializes in Consumer Reports and thick colorful puppy stories for teething babies to chew on.

So if you happen to be influential with a bookstore or a library, please let the buyer know that UMass is currently taking orders. I just finished checking the second batch of proofs, and they should be going to the printer shortly, with publication officially slated for May, though I hear the books may be available sooner.

I'm also beginning to schedule readings, so let me know if you're interested in setting up a date.

And if you're associated with a journal and would like a review copy, let me know as well so I can pass on that information to the press.

By the way, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your kindness and intensity as commentators and readers. Really, you don't have to buy a book: I'm grateful anyway. (See what a bad salesman I am? I should stop talking. And yes, I know I'm not a "man," but "salesperson" has such ugly rhythm and those obnoxious repetitive "s" sounds.)


Patrick Shawn Bagley said...

What? You think a bookstore should carry actual books instead of Beanie Babies, greeting cards and Hustler magazine? That's just weird.

Dawn Potter said...

I know I'm being unreasonable; plus, I'm forgetting that people really read Hustler for the articles.