Friday, November 28, 2008

Notable discoveries, Thanksgiving 2008--

1. A tip for long car trips: three hours into the drive, insert Barry White's greatest hits into the CD player. Instantly your sensible family car assumes the ambiance of an early-seventies, two-tone Oldsmobile with a landau roof, which is very refreshing.

2. To occupy boys of all ages (our focus group was ages 4 through 70), provide a large basket of blocks and watch how many days they can spend trying to win the "who can build the tallest tower?" contest. Loud crashes are an essential side-effect of this entertainment.

3. Daughter-in-law = sous-chef.

4. According to the carver, a turkey's bones and joints are not in the same place every year.

5. Black Friday is best spent at the bowling alley.

6. Large holiday gatherings are better if everyone is silly.  Says John Donne, "Every man hath a Politick life, as well as a naturall life; and he may no more take himself away from the world, then he may make himself away out of the world. For he that does so, by withdrawing himself from his calling, from the labours of mutual society in this life, that man kills himself."

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